Thursday, 11 October 2012

Pruretirement reward

PRUretirement reward lets you enjoy:

At a Glance:

  •  Monthly GUARANTEED income
  •  Affordable monthly premium
  • Control over your savings
  •  Death & Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) cover
  • Annuity Tax Relief


PRUretirement reward gives you:
  1. Monthly Guaranteed Income
You can start your retirement saving with PRUretire saver which will provide you with a
Monthly Guaranteed Income to help you live your retirement dreams. Not only that, you
also have the potential of receiving even more monthly income at retirement!

     2. Flexibility And Control
Understanding that life has its ups and downs, PRUretirement reward gives you the
flexibility to make adjustments to your premium contribution and protection level. You
also have the option of topping up your premium to match your growing retirement
    3. Affordable Monthly Premiums
Premiums for PRUretirement reward start from as low as RM1,200 per year, which gives
you more reason to begin retirement planning today!

    4. Annuity Tax Relief

You now have the option to claim up to RM1,000 for your PRUretirement reward plan
under the newly introduced annuity income tax relief. This is in addition to the RM6,000
personal insurance tax relief provided for other life insurance plans you may have.


What is the investment strategy?

Before you receive Monthly Guaranteed Income At the start of your policy, the premium that you pay will be invested in the PRUlink golden equity fund and PRUlink golden bond fund according to an asset mix as shown in the following table. It will be adjusted to a more secure asset mix for each premium payment the nearer you are to receiving your Monthly Guaranteed Income.

Here is some example , hope to make you clear.


  1. Hi there, is this package still being offered? I've visited Prudential website but it only have PRUretirement Growth.

    1. Ya, some features have adjust in order to compliance with Bank Negara rule . I will try to update the product detail later..


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